
The International School of Sion has now been authorized as a Cambridge school.

Our school is a Cambridge International School, registered with Cambridge Assessment International Education, part of the University of Cambridge. Our programmes inspire students to love learning, helping them discover new abilities and a wider world.

Cambridge International School

Winter and Summer Camps

The International School of Sion organises Summer and Winter camps that are open to students from any nationality and without any discrimination of origin, belief or orientation. The school provides students with the opportunity to learn and improve their command of languages such as French, German and English and to participate in various activities alongside other students from all over the world.

In Winter, these activities are mainly centred around Winter sports, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, sledging. The school makes sure to take advantage of the beautiful Swiss Alps and of all the opportunities associated with it.

In summer the range of activities available is impressive and very exciting for students. They get to explore the mountains and the beautiful scenery. They can enjoy activities such as hiking, surfing, mountain climbing, and riding bikes through various circuits, amongst other pursuits. They will also learn more about the region and its international relationships through several cultural activities, such as visiting the Gianadda Foundation, the Olympic Museum, the Red Cross Museum, and several other places of interest.

Summer Camps

Program Languages Discovery International Mindedness
Duration 4 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
Age Group 11-16 11-16 11-18
Class Size 10-15 students 10-15 students 10-15 students
Content • General English
• Various activities
• Personal project
• Language discovery
• Inquiry-based learning in various subjects
• Sports discovery
• Nature discovery
• Language discovery
• French/German classes
• Collaborative Learning
• Various activities
• Cultural trips
Pre-requisite None (English A2 preferred) English A2 and above English B1 and above
Summary The language camp is designed to focus on enhancing the students’ communication and understanding of English. Experienced teachers provide a student-centred, multicultural and open learning environment to develop students’ academic, social and emotional skills as well as self-confidence. Participation in various indoor and outdoor activities will enhance this development.
Additionally, students will have the opportunity to try out exciting new sports and to discover spectacular sights. Simultaneously, students will also develop their language skills through collaborating with other students in the various exciting activities organised by the school. It is a real opportunity to interact with people from different cultures and horizons.
They will also be offered the chance to discover and explore the two main languages spoken in Switzerland: French and German. For students already equipped with a solid command of English, the camp offers a complete immersion in learning delivered either in French or German. The Discovery camp also allows students to acquire or deepen their knowledge of subject materials through real-life examples and an inquiry-based learrning process. This is done for several subjects such as biology, physics, history, geography and economics, or even other subjects of interest to the student.
The discovery camp allows students to (re)-discover subject material through real-life examples and an inquiry-based learrning process. This is done for several subjects such as biology, physics, history, geography, economics and so on and so forth.
Additionally, students will also be offered the opportunity to try out new exciting sports, to discover spectacular sceneries as well as to discover two of the main languages spoken in Switzerland: French and German.
For students already equipped with a solid command of English, the camp offers a complete immersion in learning delivered either in French or German.
Students will also develop their language skills through collaborating with other students in various and exciting activties organised by the school. It is a real opportunity to exchange with people from different cutlures and horizons.
This program also offers students the opportunity to visit neighbouring regions in France and Italy.

Winter Camps

Ski camps are organised in collaboration with other neighboring schools in order to offer students the possibility to enjoy winter sports with a multitude of other students. Students can choose to participate for one or two weeks. They are taught by professionals in a very safe environment.

Sign up for a Camp